About Aviana

Principles of Aviana

The Galactic Roots of the Goddess

1. Jupiter’s Cultivation of an Environment conducive for Growth and Expansion:

Aviana Yoga believes in creating a comfortable, welcoming, and safe environment for students to enjoy the nourishing practice.  Jupiter offers wisdom, realignment, and expansive energy to dial in the focus of this principle.  We value a sense of security and trust in our instructors.  Aerial yoga can be received as an intimidating new practice for students to venture into.  We find it necessary to take extra measures to connect with each student and help them to ease into the practice in order to allow them to receive the most benefits and to have a positive experience.  Aviana instructors enter the practice with a rooted energy that resonates with a sense of peace and balance.  We offer gentleness towards each of the participants and serve as an anchor.  We hold the space for the highest good.

Root to ride welcome the discovery of just how far and high you can fly!

2. Neptune’s Embodiment of Inspiration:

Aerial yoga serves as a valuable practice of inspiration, adventure, and imagination that creates a sense of possibility and excitement.  Neptune’s energy dissolves boundaries and opens up the idealistic nature.  Instructors of Aviana Yoga serve as sources and guides of such inspiration.  When a student is inspired and feels nurtured in a safe environment, they are able to break through binds that hold them in their current state of consciousness and opens a window of fresh air to receive new thoughts, new awareness’s, and new growth. 

Become Inspired: Be In Spirit

3. Mar’s Integrity:

Aviana embraces a strong sense of integrity. Mars supports the energy of this principle resonating a frequency of initiative and authenticity.  Aviana instructors take the integrity test each day, checking in to ask themselves, “Am I living my truth and practicing what I preach?”  Integrity is the foundation from which all truths may blossom and grow. Integrity is a virtue to live by every day to create a character that is acknowledged and loved in every way.  Integrity creates a character of strength, of confidence, and of a presence that inspires others to live their truths and embrace themselves wholly.  If you cannot fully embrace the principles and mission of the purpose you are serving in life, you cannot live with integrity. 

Align with what speaks to your heart and live its Truth.  

4. Venus’s Purposeful Intentions:

Aviana values an instructor that is prepared for each class with an intention or focus for the students to connect with through their practice.  Intentions are where our attention is able to focus and allows for the release of distracting thoughts and the ‘monkey brain.’  Each class begins with an intention cultivating and invoking feelings of self-love, gratitude, self-worth, empowerment, compassion, generosity, stillness, mindfulness, grace, elegance, engagement, playfulness, lightness, and beyond.  The Aviana experience includes intentions that allow the student to feel confident and courageous as they branch out of their shells and off of their mats into an undiscovered world within themselves.  Love is the ultimate intention that Aviana invites all instructors to hold in their hearts as they guide a class, aligning with Venus’s reign. 

When it all boils down there is only Fear and Love – Be, Live, and Do Love.

5. Lunar Fluidity of Emotions:

Throughout a yoga practice as the journey flows into and through different layers of the body, mind, and spirit we will be riding on the waves of the emotional body; our lunar frequencies.  Emotions are the feminine aspect contained within each and every one of us whether we are male or female.  Emotions are connected to the element of water, which is moved by the moon.  The connection and invitation to allow emotions to arise and to be shifted as needed for the highest good of the individual is a principle that is valued with Aviana.  Aerial yoga challenges feelings of trust, security, confidence, and self-esteem.  Aviana instructors are mindful and allow each student to venture into areas of the practice at a pace they are ready to receive. 

Acknowledging that emotions will come and go just as the ocean waves kiss the shores in the flowing tides.  Ride the wave of the breath and invite release as you find fluidity, ease, and grace.  

6. Mercury’s Poetry in Motion:

In an Aviana Yoga class experience the students are offered an opportunity to discover the gift of grace and ease available in a well-conducted class experience.  This is offered to them through the power of the words an Aviana instructor uses to cue students while in or transitioning between each of the asanas.  When taken into consideration, the verbiage one chooses to use to describe what is happening in their life shapes the perception of the experience for the person listening, consider too how this applies to an instructor guiding a yoga class.  Aviana Yoga values a poetic dance through the body in relationship to the fabric, which can be achieved when an instructor considers how a cue may be received by the body and applies mindfulness in words to guide transitions for the spaces between each of the asanas.  Let your class be a love story to the body and use your words in a way that will melt the body into place rather than strain, force, and create friction. 

Let grace be your guide and surrender your chariot.

7.Sun’s Presence and Purpose:

Aviana recognizes and cherishes the unique spirits in each and every living being.  It is of great value to honor the perspectives and insights from others and to grow from one another’s stories.  But how do you truly find YOUR way, YOUR purpose?  Find stillness.  Find enough stillness that allows you to hear the whispers of your heart and embrace it.  Then you will begin to acknowledge the voice within, the voice of your spirit.  Listen to your heart and live from your heart.  This is how you create your purposeful presence and radiate the Sun’s vibrant, life-loving and life-giving energy.  Recognize your own iron presence and bring that presence wherever you go.  We are all meant to shine bright like the sun.  You are an important part of this world.  You are valued and loved.  You are whole, complete and perfect just the way you are.  Who you are is infinite.  Find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world.  Find yourself as the creator of your own reality and share that reality with all those you encounter. 

Live Boldly and Brightly.

8.Saturn’s Cultivation of Energy through the Breath:

The breath allows us to access our minds, where discrimination is possible and wisdom arises.  The breath is the gateway between the physical realms of the body and the subtle realms of the mind.  Everything comes back to and starts with the breath.  It is Saturn’s sense of discipline with the practice of Pranayama that is utilized in Aviana Yoga to connect with the inner element of fire, cleansing the mind and body for a sense of presence.  The heat generated through the breath burns through the restrictions of the past and the limitations in the mind allowing for new growth, nourished by the ashes of the past.  Take responsibility for flowing with the breath and connection to the self, that will serve the highest realms of consciousness. 

9.Earth’s Energy:

The essential oils derived from plants with the highest intentions of love for the Earth serve as an aid to support the journey of reprogramming the subconscious mind.  The sense of smell is directly connected to the emotional center of the brain and allows for an experience of growth and transformation that exceeds a typical yoga practice.  The plant essences serve to amplify the intention of each class allowing the students to fully access each aspect of their being for balance.  The incorporation of at least one essence in each class creates an environment for an enhanced sense of peace, fulfillment, and enlightenment.

The therapeutic aromas of the plants integrate into the layers of the energetic body, the physical body, the emotional body, and the mental body.  

10.Uranus’s Playful Adventure of Asanas:

Aviana acknowledges that students come to class for the excitement presented by the unique asanas with the support of luxurious silks.  It is why we are drawn to teach this practice too.  We find the exploration through the body and the energy centers can be a journey of playfulness and exhilaration in order to find full liberation!  Uranus supports the resonance with your unique originality and freedom.  Play with the asanas and invite discovery.  The silks provide an incredible tool to students of all ages, shapes, and sizes to help develop that sense of courage, trust, confidence, grace, elegance, adventure, and fun. 

Laughter in class is encouraged.   Connect with your inner child and allow yourself to play. 

11.Pluto’s Oneness:

Aviana sees and honors the light within you and acknowledges that same light reflected back; Aviana honors our oneness.  The release of the ego that tries to create the illusion of separation and competition is a principle that Aviana values.  Learn to dissolve the ego consciousness in the calm inner light and, once the grip of the ego has truly been broken, one discovers that he is that light and there is nothing to prevent him from expanding his consciousness to infinity.  The drop of water becomes obsolete as it enters into the boundlessness of the ocean waters; the oneness.  Pluto magnifies each planet that it touches and shows up with willful power to transform.  Invite in Pluto to shed the layers that create our bold boundaries between our hearts and the understanding of our infinite connection. 

Who is the Goddess Aviana-

Honoring the Grace of the Goddess within Us

Aviana is a galactic goddess born into the seven sisters of Pleiades.  She embodies a strong feminine presence.  The kind that is respected and honored by all whom catch a glimpse of her.  She is dignified, yet she knows how to laugh, to dance, to sing, and to play as she loves connecting with Spirit in this way.  By night, she dances and plays in the moonlight gathering with her sisters in honor of the great Mother Earth.  By day she is sophisticated, gentle, well-spoken, and kind, the very definition of elegant grace with poise, posture, purpose, and patience.  She is a princess in the Divine Kingdom and a steward of the Earth; she loves every tree, stone, insect, animal, plant, and person.  Her heart is liberated and she is healthy freedom at its finest. 

She offers you…

Which aspect of Aviana resonates the most with you?

Aviana embraces the cultivation of your unique resonance with your goddess presence within.  Ancient history is filled with connections to goddesses bestowed with many teachings and gifts to aid in the personal growth and support of the feminine aspects each individual contains whether female or male.  Each Being of this Earth has a masculine and feminine side to be honored and nurtured into balance.  

The shifting of the ages has arrived in a place referred to as the Golden Age or Age of Enlightenment, offering the blessing to more fully embrace a balance with the Sacred Feminine and to discover a new space of balance from the overly emphasized masculine energy.  The feminine heart of compassion, love, patience, sacrifice, and sensuality is asking to be acknowledged and integrated.  Aviana offers an opportunity to connect with your empowered feminine aspects and to discover yourself as a goddess or god with unique gifts and teachings as offerings from the heart to others.      

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