Online Restorative Aerial Yoga Teacher Training

A program designed with you in mind


Exclusive Access


Restorative Aerial Yoga Instructor Certification

Global Access

To Expert Training

Restore from anywhere

This program was created due to the growing number of people interested in expanding their offerings for their students, which crave to be held and restored to a place of wholeness and balance within.

Here at Aviana Yoga we strive to set each instructor up for success and while we strongly value the opportunity to connect with instructors in person to aid in the growth of their teaching journey; we have found that it is just not possible for us to be everywhere at once to meet the growing enthusiasm for this practice, so we have taken the time to create an online course that is sure to provide you with everything that you need to feel confident in offering Restorative Aerial Yoga to your students or to explore the practice just for yourself.

Watch this Video to Learn More!

What You’ll Receive

*Once you register for the course, you will receive a password to be able to login to the website and receive exclusive access to the videos for 1 year in order to complete your training, as well as, a training manual which will be printed in full color and shipped right to your door. 


Discover the guiding galactic principles of Aviana that create the foundation for unique and mindful restorative aerial yoga practices 

You will be introduced to the Mythical Goddess Tarot Deck as well as a Mudra Deck which can aid in the intentional creation of your class sequences and programming

Learn about the importance of restoration and why it is so necessary

Discover who restorative aerial yoga is beneficial for and who may need to explore alternative options as we dive into the contraindications of restorative aerial yoga 

  • We will review all that is required to set-up your aerial yoga hammock in either a single point or double-point of attachment
  • You will clearly understand the simple method of tying the aerial yoga hammocks so that you can feel confident in your students safety
  • You will get to experience what it feels like to take an Aviana style restorative aerial yoga class through a 90-minute class offering
  • Get an introduction to the restorative asanas
  • Discover the 3 types of Aviana Restorative Asanas
  • Unveil the ideal amount of time to explore each of the asanas 
  • Practice and review 36 Asana Tutorials 
  • Learn about the importance of full sensory integration to create a mindful experience that immerses your student into the present moment 
  • Work through a Chakra Affirmation Exercise to discover how to start incorporating the energy centers into your class offerings
  • Learn about color therapy and how it can enhance the therapeutic experience you provide your students 
  • Resonate at a new frequency with the illumination of sound therapy 
  • Immerse your nostrils into the enchanting world of aromatherapy to round out the full integration of the senses with your restorative aerial yoga class experience


In order to receive a 25-hour certification as a Restorative Aerial Yoga Instructor, you will be required to submit 3 training modules to satisfaction upon watching, practicing, and reading all of the materials provided.

The modules consist of:

  • A short examination and 2 brief essays
  • A research project, which involves the creation of a 4 class restorative aerial yoga series to serve a population of your choosing, these classes can be written up to be 60 – 90 minutes in length, and can then be used as a series you offer to others as you start sharing this practice with your clientele 
  • The submission of 5 practice teaching hours along with evaluations completed by yourself AND your practice students
  • A short video demonstrating your teaching skills acquired from the training. 

*Once the modules are submitted, please allow for 2 weeks for us to review your submissions and get back to you with any feedback and your certification.


You will want to have access to at least 2 hammock set ups in order to complete this training, it can be done with one hammock set-up however, your student must be comfortable having you demonstrate on the fabric that they too will be using for the practice.  Upon purchase of this program, there is a video covering your equipment needs including a couple of options on how  to tie the hammocks.

The 5 practice teaching hours can be completed with just 1 student; however, it is encouraged to teach to a variety of people so that you can learn how different bodies connect to and respond to the fabric. 



One time payment

$ 399
If you live outside of the US, shipping fees will be charged separately for the shipment of your book - ranges from $30 - 60 USD


This tuition is non-refundable and includes access to the videos on the site for 1 year, as well as, the printing and shipping of your training manual; however, if you live outside of the United States, there may be additional shipping costs and time needed to get the manual to you as it will be shipping from the United States to you.  In the event that we are unable to ship to your country, you will be contacted immediately for alternate arrangements.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Aviana offers an aerial yoga practice where you maintain a connection with the hammock throughout the practice, which allows you to surrender into being held and supported while flowing through a moving meditation. There is great attention given to the alignment of the body and the relationship of the body to the anchor points in the ceiling. From the foundation of a rooted connection to the body and to the hammock the practice takes on a full sensory engagement through the instructor’s attentiveness to the sights, sounds, and aromas. Aviana is a full immersion experience developed to guide the practitioner into a meditative journey of growth and awareness with lengthened, toned elegance.

Absolutely!  You would not be alone, there are many instructors that enroll in the online restorative aerial yoga teacher training to experience aerial yoga for the first time.  Since aerial yoga is presented in so many ways, sometimes it can be better for you to enter with a beginner’s mind.  

Your practice teaching hours are important to developing yourself as an instructor, we will discuss this at the training to make sure that you have a place where you can hang at least two hammocks. If you live near the studio where the training is being facilitated, oftentimes, there is an arrangement set up with that studio for you to complete your practice teaching hours there.

Aviana withdrew support of the Yoga Alliance many years ago and stands by that decision to this day.

To receive your online restorative aerial yoga certification, you must complete the Aviana online training program videos and then complete the remaining training modules within a 1 year period of being granted access to the course.  All training modules will be reviewed with feedback given and must be completed to the satisfaction of Aviana safety standards for a certification to be granted.

Some students complete their online restorative aerial yoga teacher training course and remaining training modules within 2 months of enrolling in the program, but you will have up to 1 year to complete the training.

The Aviana Aerial Yoga Teacher Training differs from other aerial yoga teacher trainings available due to the intentional focus on optimal body alignment, moving meditative sequences, full sensory engagement, and the connection to the power of sisterhood. The training is presented in a way that it feels like a retreat infused with a teacher training so that you can immerse yourself into your own growth and expansion as you discover your wings.

The examination training module is very straightforward, everything that is on the test is included in the training videos or in your training book. It is a short exam and not something to stress about. You will have the opportunity to retake the exam one time in the unlikely event that you do not pass on the first try.

Yes, Aviana is here to support you through each step of the journey, do not hesitate to reach out to Aviana or to embrace the support of sisterhood in the Sisters of the Silks Community Group.

While you are an instructor in-training, you will need to offer classes to log your practice teaching hours. There are several ways that the classes can be offered, and it will vary depending on the hosting studio you are teaching out of. The classes can be donation-based where proceeds support a local cause, or proceeds go to the hosting studio to support the costs of the use of the space.

Once you are certified, you will have discovered your wings to take you where you would like to go. Since the launch of the Aviana yoga teacher training program there has been a lot of growth in the aerial yoga industry with a number of studios, park districts, retreat centers, gyms, health clubs, and therapy centers installing hammocks to be able to offer classes. If there isn’t one in your area, Aviana offers consulting to help support the launch of new spaces.